
The Wacaco Nanopresso is your hand powered espresso machine on the go! Nanopresso's ergonomic design and shorter length makes it your travel companion of choice. Easy to hold and easy to pack! Experience the pleasure of drinking high quality espresso, from the first sip to the last drop, wherever you may be. The Nanopresso works best with finely ground coffee that is tamped hard. To use: Simply unclip the cup, add coffee grind into the basket, add hot water into the tank, unlock piston, and pump! With the Nanopresso you'll be provided with perfect extraction with intense flavours for an authentic espresso with dense crema! Built around a newly patented pumping system, the Nanopresso is capable of reaching, with the help of your hands, a maximum of 18 bars (261 PSI) of stable pressure during extraction for unparalleled coffee quality. Achieving the perfect espresso shot is far from easy as many parameters play an important role during the brew process. Thanks to its innovative construction and easy operation, the Nanopresso will help you brew perfect cups with a nice and dense crema layer every time.