
Save energy with this All in One 12V 8kW Diesel Air Heater to warm the cab of your van RV truck boat or other vehicles it consumes fuel nearly 15 times more than that of idling a car 1.5-8Lh.
The electric heater heats up quickly taking only a few minutes.nbspAs the portable heater blows out warm air independently the engine could suffer less wear and tear or carbon deposits and gain an increase in service life by 30.
The included LCD screen not only shows the running state of the machine clearly but also comes with an intelligent voice prompts for convenient use.
Better still a controllable constant temperature and an overheating sensor are designed to make the machine easy to use.
Its remote control is available within a range up to 30 metres.nbspAs the device comes all in on the installation is easy.
With the approval of the CNAS qualified organisation this diesel air heater is perfect for upgrading your vehicles.nbsp nbsp